Trinidadian Neha Karina – national director of Miss India Worldwide
Trinidadian fashion designer, Neha Karina Dawar, will be leading as the national director of pageant Miss India Worldwide against 80 different countries.
The winner will represent Trinidad and Tobago in India. Neha is a Creative Director with a BA in Fashion Design and the franchise owner of Miss India Worldwide, Trinidad and Tobago. In 2015, Neha developed the brand “Neha Karina”, being the first in the Caribbean to manufacture “Indian Couture Clothing” locally within the shores of Trinidad and Tobago,and later opened its first flagship store at Hilton Trinidad. Neha uses handloom textile to translate her designs into the Royal “Look”,
predominantly evident in bridal wear, as well as her ready-to-wear line.
Neha’s deep love for Fashion, Arts and the Caribbean culture began with her family ties in India. She created a balance between her aesthetic of merging the Caribbean meeting Indian/middle eastern. Neha Designs reflects a vision for Caribbean-Indian luxury fashion. She was introduced to designers from Middle Eastern and India region and she did not take much time in cultivating her aesthetic following short courses in Embroidery, Styling, Colour Theory and Brand Development in India.
On Sunday (11/4-21), Neha spoke in the Indo-Caribbean Cultural Centre’s weekly ZOOM Public Meeting on the topic “Indo-Caribbean Clothes, Fashion Designs and Accessories.”